Dearly Beloved

Our first cocker spaniel, an orange roan called Harry left us at the age of 11 in November 2011 after a short illness. It was a shock to us all; we thought he'd be here forever and the pack took a while to settle. He'd been the mortar that kept the bricks apart but held the house together. Whilst not a show dog, he had other qualities. He was a KCGCDS gold award winner and he could beat everyone at the waggiest tail competition. It was Harry's wonderful nature that encouraged us to have another cocker and we're so glad we did.

Charlie, the chocolate roan, was our first show dog, more by accident than by design. He was Harry's constant companion from June 2001 and started his show career at the age of 3. He was at his most successful as a veteran, winning BVIS more times than we can count, beating show champions on the way, with his character and spirit. He became a PAT dog late in his life and was adored by the residents of the home he visited. He was a gold good citizen and made a successful foray into the world of obedience showing, winning pre-beginners at his first attempt and gaining his certificate of merit. He retired from the show ring at the age of 12 and went to the bridge suddenly after a very short illness in February 2015. Not only do we still miss him but his fans and followers around the show circuit still speak lovingly of him.


Sad to report that in the early summer of 2016, our first black show girl Marnie, died after a short illness following a mammary tumour. She was a great success; she won our first stud book number, was placed at Crufts and was the mother of Teddy and Poppy, both of whom went on to enjoy careers in the ring. Marnie had lived her last 4 years with the dearest lady, whose life she transformed after being widowed; the 2 were inseparable and walked miles together every day. Marnie's retirement was a joy to have helped bring about.

Sad to report the death of Kelsie, our foundation blue bitch, after a short illness at the age of 11. She successfully spent her retirement with a lovely family, spending her time at Newquay beach when she wasn't on the sofa or eating! Despite her comparative lack of success in the ring, she produced some gorgeous puppies who went on to reward her indirectly. One of her great grandchildren is now a success in the ring. She had the sweetest nature and we cherished that characteristic in her breeding programme. She could eat for England and was always a little on the chubby side; great for cuddling though.